On May 15, 2024, the Polytechnic College of the Kazakhmys Corporation opened its doors to schoolchildren of the city and guests. As part of the career guidance work, an "Open Day" was organized for secondary school students, where they could get acquainted with the college, its specialties and learning prospects. The highlight of the day was the "Profession Fair", where college students enthusiastically talked about their specialties, shared their study experience and answered questions from future applicants. The coverage of the city's schoolchildren was 328 people.
The Profession Fair is not only a career guidance, but also an opportunity for students to learn more about the world of professions, meet interesting people and take a step towards their future!
No less significant was the opening of the PTK 2024 Case Championship organized as part of the methodological week of the PCC MIO, which was attended by students from leading universities in the region:
1) KGKP "Balkhash Humanitarian and Technical College named after A. Musin"
2) NAO "Karaganda Industrial University"
3) KGKP Temirtau Higher Polytechnic College
4) Toraighyrov University
5) Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov
6) JSC "Zhezkazgan University named after O.A. Baikonurov"
The case Championship is a competition in which participants solve cases related to real problems in production.
The aim of the championship is to develop students' critical and creative thinking, creative abilities, popularization and creation of a positive image of an engineer.
Representatives of universities also held career guidance meetings with graduate groups of PTK, presenting their universities, their training programs and opportunities for further professional development.