You all know that the spread of drugs, including synthetic ones, threatens the well-being of future generations. In this regard, on 04 saiur, a meeting was organized with students of our college on the topic "Society without drugs". Our speakers came to the meeting:
-Head of the Department for Combating Drug Crime, Police Major K. Smagulov;
- Psychologist of the multidisciplinary hospital A. Zhuzbay;
- yuvinal police inspector Captain M. Gidzhevskaya.
During the meeting, police officer Kanat Amangeldievich expressed interest in our students, warned them not to commit suicide in their future lives, hoping to be seduced by criminals and earn easy money, and distributed brochures about drugs. The yuvinal police officer Maria Pavlovna gave advice on modern fraud and precautionary measures. Ainur Seralykyzy, a psychologist of the hospital, shared her accumulated information about increasing the level of awareness among young people about drug problems, developing skills against the use of psychoactive substances, the consequences of drug addiction and damage to human life.